ERASMUS for Young Entrepreneurs
Since 2016, we have been proud to host the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program. This European exchange program enables aspiring entrepreneurs to gain valuable experience and knowledge by working with experienced entrepreneurs in other EU countries. As hosts, we not only provide a platform for entrepreneurial development, but also a space for international cooperation and cultural exchange. Working with young, innovative entrepreneurs enriches our company, promotes creative thinking and strengthens our international networks. By making our expertise and resources available, we support the next generation of entrepreneurs and help promote a diverse and sustainable business landscape.
advisa Unternehmensberatung GmbH works with various organizations to develop and implement projects within the framework of the Erasmus+ program. The aim is to promote education, further training and the organization of events and seminars. Our company actively cooperates with other institutions and welcomes partnerships, be it as a coordinator or partner in various Erasmus+ programs. The focus is exclusively on adult education.
Co-funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author or authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for this.
Date: 01-09-2016 To 31-08-2018
Project No: 2016-1-DE02-KA204-003454
Sustainable integration: Migrants become entrepreneurs
Context / background of the project In recent years many refugees came to Europe. It is likely that a large proportion of them will remain permanent migrants in Europe. Among these people are also many people from Afghanistan. There is a high need for integration measures for these people. With our project, we have made a contribution to support and integrate the Afghan migrants. Together with our partners from Poland and Turkey, we have developed educational opportunities for the area of start-up business for Afghan migrants and for individuals involved in self-employment. Objectives of the project: Our project aims at cooperation with various partners from other European countries. In doing so, we have developed a network with our partners to drive our idea forward. The cooperation involved an exchange of methods and practices to broaden and strengthen our competences at European level. We looked closely at the situations of Afghan migrants in the individual partner countries and worked out solutions to the problems of self-employment of these people. Number and profile of the participants: The project involved three partners from Germany, Poland and Turkey. Partner from Germany: advisa Unternehmensberatung GmbH is the partner from Germany.
Date: 01-09-2017 To 31-08-2019
Project No: 2017-1-DE02-KA204-004269
Sustainable Integration for Afghan Women in the European Labor Market:
Afghans are one of the major refugee groups with particular cultural problems in Europe. Therefore, there is a considerable need for integration measures. With our project, we have given special consideration to the gender dimension by focusing on Afghan migrant women. We have taken into account technical and educational aspects of the project to enable migrants to enter into the EU labor market. We shared good practices and developed new programs to help the Afghan migrant women. Therefore, this is essential to support them and improve their key capacities to enter the EU labor market. All the participants have been more and more engaged in the project with Afghan women. The main objective of our project was to find ways and share our practices to help Afghan women gain and acquire relevant and high-quality skills and competences. Afghan women increasingly need key qualifications before applying for a job. In particular, they must be prepared for equal cooperation with men in the workplace.
Date: 01-11-2019 To 31-10-2021
Project No: 2019-1-DE02-KA204-006535
Financial education of small entrepreneurs with special consideration of migrants:
competent acting in dealing with their own finances is described in a variety of terms such. Eg “Financial Literacy”. The OECD and another international network for financial education plan to develop a checklist for policy makers to improve the coverage of high quality financial education for migrants. At least a knowledge of the immediate life-practical requirements of everyday actions in monetary matters is a prerequisite for the small business owner in order to be able to earn a livelihood in the long term through his own company. There are only a few learning opportunities for small businesses in the area of financial literacy. The aim of this project is to find ways to teach small business people finance-related skills that they can put into practice in everyday life. The offer should be low-threshold and feasible throughout Europe. Learning opportunities are hardly noticed by small entrepreneurs, especially with a migration background. The project has the goal to open up learning opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises with and without a migration background. The 5 project partners look at the project from different perspectives. A state school, a chamber of commerce, a migrant association, a management consultancy and a further education institution are represented. The topic is viewed from different sides. The participants look at the practice of the partner organizations on site. On this basis, new ideas will be developed, through which the project partners will develop suitable concepts for financial literacy.
Date: 01-09-2022 To 31-08-2024
Project No: 2022-1-DE02-KA210-ADU-000084405
Informal entrepreneurship as a sign of a lack of social inclusion in further education:
Some minorities in Europe are forced to work as informal entrepreneurs, sometimes under very bad conditions. Some of them are migrants who hardly speak any European language. The continuing education courses are not suitable for them. In this project, we are looking for solutions to how social inclusion for informal entrepreneurs in Europe can succeed in further education. The activities consist of several digital conferences, an analog preparatory meeting, and a one-week working meeting. One activity we have called: "Definition and causes of informal entrepreneurship and its impact on society". The other: "Social inclusion strategies in further training for informal entrepreneurs". Each activity is documented by a printed brochure. This can also be downloaded from the project website.
Date: 01-09-2020 To 31-08-2022
Project No: 2020-1-LI01-KA204-000180
Economic knowledge made easy for everyone:
Economic and financial literacy is considered one of the key qualifications for being best prepared for the future. According to an OECD study on economic illiteracy, many Europeans (over 67%) do not see themselves as an active part of the economy. Studies also show serious deficits in economic knowledge relevant to everyday life. The consequences are serious for individuals, but also for Europe as a whole. When every fourth client of debt counseling centers is under 30 years old, this is an alarm signal. This Erasmus project tries to counter this trend by developing learning tools (board game, newspaper, online tools and awareness raising activities) in the project regions Liechtenstein, Germany, Belgium, Austria and Italy. We have therefore tried to put the topics of education and economic literacy at the center of our project in order to counteract economic illiteracy.
Date: 01-09-2022 To 31-08-2023
Project No: 2022-1-AT01-KA210-ADU-000082368
New further training paths for migrants with an Afghan migration background:
Between 40,000 and 190,000 Afghans come to the EU every year. The adult new citizens need a long time to speak the respective EU language. This project shows further training paths for Afghan migrants in the EU, makes them transparent and accessible and thereby stimulates new offers. The further training offers are aimed at people who came to the EU as adults and need courses in the Afghan language. In the project, a 4-language Internet platform for further education offered in Dari and Pashto will be created. After the project partners have entered the offers of up to 500 Afghan organizations and schools into the system, registered associations can - on the basis of quality rules - maintain their further training offers themselves in the long term.
Date: 01.10.2023 To 30.09.2025
Project No: 2023-1-DE02-KA210-ADU-000156542
Reducing Skills Gaps of Freelances through Further Training in Europe
Date: September 2024 To 28-2-2026
Project No: 2024-1-AT01-KA210-ADU-000250093
Enhancing the Quality of Teaching and Learning Materials in Mother languages for Afghan Adult Learner
The project's concrete and general objective is to enhance the quality of learning and teaching materials in Afghan mother languages for Afghan adult learners in Europe. The specific objective of the project is to create a monitoring methodology for the quality of learning and teaching material in Afghan languages (Dari and Pashto). Therefore, the project provides tailored activities and works with Afghan associations to offer training and learning activities for their educators, trainers, and members on quality assurance of learning and teaching materials and also produce a monitoring methodology for them to measure the effectiveness of their materials in Dari and Pashto and be able to track the progress of Afghan adult learners. The project coordinator and project partners are from 7 different EU countries with higher numbers of Afghan migrants and refugees with low skills and knowledge and these are identified as challenges for them to integrate into European society and enter into the labour market and social life in Europe.
The main objective of the ESF Plus is to contribute to a more social Europe. One of the main focuses of the funding is the promotion of sustainable and high-quality employment, start-ups and entrepreneurship, and adaptation to change. We want to strengthen social entrepreneurship with our project by supporting newly founded SCEs.
Single Market
The Single Market Programme (SMP) is the EU funding programme to help the single market reach its full potential. Social enterprises are companies for which the social or societal charitable goal is the meaning and purpose of their business activities. This means a lot of social innovation and reinvestment of profits so that the targeted social or environmental goal is achieved. In our project we support such companies in 8 EU countries and Turkey.